segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018

Glifosato IARC - OMS/ WHO - classifica como cancerígeno

Glifosato: IARC da OMS classifica como cancerígeno (provavelmente em humanos e seguramente em animais)
IARC/OMS: «(...) le glyphosate, les données mécanistiques étayent indépendamment le classement en 2A sur la base d'indications de leur cancérogénicité pour l'homme et l'animal de laboratoire(...)
«Glyphosate Herbicide (actuellement utilisé; herbicide le plus utilisé au monde en volume) Limitées (lymphome non hodgkinien) Suffisantes Génotoxicité et stress oxydatif 2A†
UE = Union européenne
* Voir le Préambule des Monographies du Centre international de Recherche sur le Cancer (CIRC) pour l’explication du système de classification (modifié en Janvier 2006).
†La classification en 2A du diazinon était basée sur des indications limitées de cancérogénicité chez l'homme et l'animal de laboratoire, et des indications solides au niveau mécanistique; pour le malathion et le glyphosate, les données mécanistiques étayent indépendamment le classement en 2A sur la base d'indications de leur cancérogénicité pour l'homme et l'animal de laboratoire.» in
Ler nas páginas 398 e 399 do Documento da IARC/OMS : «6.4 Rationale
In making this overall evaluation, the Working Group noted that the mechanistic and other relevant data support the classification of glyphosate in Group 2A. In addition to limited evidence for the carcinogenicity
of glyphosate in humans and sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate in experimental animals, there is strong evidence that glyphosate can operate through two key characteristics of known human carcinogens, and that these can be operative in humans. Specifically:
• There is strong evidence that exposure to glyphosate or glyphosate-based formulations is genotoxic based on studies in humans in vitro and studies in experimental animals. Glyphosate [399] One study in several communities in individuals exposed to glyphosate-based formulations also found chromosomal damage in blood cells; in this study, markers of chromosomal damage (micronucleus formation)
were significantly greater after exposure than before exposure in the same individuals.
• There is strong evidence that glyphosate, glyphosate-based formulations, and aminomethylphosphonic acid can act to induce oxidative stress based on studies in experimental animals, and in studies in
humans in vitro. This mechanism has been challenged experimentally by administering
antioxidants, which abrogated the effects of glyphosate on oxidative stress. Studies in
aquatic species provide additional evidence for glyphosate-induced oxidative stress.» in 

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